Local offer for Norfolk Careleavers


Welcome to the consultation on the new Local offer for Norfolk’s care leavers. We need your help to make sure the local offer is as useful and accessible as it can be. The local offer for Norfolk’s care leavers will be open until 5pm on November 2nd. After this date we will be looking at all of your feedback and making changes to the offer before it goes live.

The Local offer is not something that will stay the same even once it is launched , it will be updated as things change and as new departments or partners or organisations add to it by developing services, opportunities or resources specifically for Care leavers in Norfolk.

1. What is your status?


2. How easy was it for you to find the information you were looking for?
(Where 1 is "Very easy" and 5 is "Not easy at all")

Very easyNot easy at all

3. How useful was the information you found on the Local offer website.
(Where 1 is "Very useful" and 5 is "Not useful at all")

Very usefulNot useful at all

4. How accurate was the information on the Local Offer?
(Where 1 is "Very accurate" and 5 is "Not accurate at all")

Very accurateVery inaccurate

5. Is there anything you feel we should add to the local offer?


6. Overall satisfaction rating

Very satisfied

Quite satisfied


Slightly dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied