8-Week Mindfulness Course Evaluation
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Very Good
What is your overall rating of the seminar
What is your overall rating of the seminar Excellent
What is your overall rating of the seminar Very Good
What is your overall rating of the seminar Good
What is your overall rating of the seminar Fair
What is your overall rating of the seminar Poor
Teacher's knowledge of the subject
Teacher's knowledge of the subject Excellent
Teacher's knowledge of the subject Very Good
Teacher's knowledge of the subject Good
Teacher's knowledge of the subject Fair
Teacher's knowledge of the subject Poor
Teacher's presentation style
Teacher's presentation style Excellent
Teacher's presentation style Very Good
Teacher's presentation style Good
Teacher's presentation style Fair
Teacher's presentation style Poor
Usefulness of print materials
Usefulness of print materials Excellent
Usefulness of print materials Very Good
Usefulness of print materials Good
Usefulness of print materials Fair
Usefulness of print materials Poor
Quality of the audio CD
Quality of the audio CD Excellent
Quality of the audio CD Very Good
Quality of the audio CD Good
Quality of the audio CD Fair
Quality of the audio CD Poor
Extent the seminar met your expectations
Extent the seminar met your expectations Excellent
Extent the seminar met your expectations Very Good
Extent the seminar met your expectations Good
Extent the seminar met your expectations Fair
Extent the seminar met your expectations Poor
Any additional comments or suggestions?
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