Soham Library opening hours survey

Last year Cambridgeshire Libraries conducted a series of engagement events as part of the Soham Library Pilot, aimed at tailoring libraries to the needs of the local community. We listened to the community’s ideas and suggestions to find new ways to meet their changing need and the majority of those who attended the events told us they would like us to review the opening hours of Soham Library. The library is open for 27 hours per week and we would like to ask you whether the current opening hours best serve your needs or whether you would prefer those 27 hours to be distributed differently.

Current Soham Library - opening hours  27 hours per week

Monday    9.00 – 5.00
Tuesday   9.00 – 1.00 
Wednesday  Closed
Thursday  9.00 – 5.00
Friday       2.00 – 5.00
Saturday  9.00 – 1.00

The results will be used to feedback information to the Library Management Team

Please complete the following survey to let us know your views by 28th February 2019.
This survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.
Please click "next" below to begin the survey.

If you would like a copy of this document either in paper format, on audio cassette, Braille, large print or in other languages please contact us:
Tel: 0345 045 5225

The information you are providing will assist informing CCC in provision of services and will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

On clicking “next” you confirm you are happy for your response to be used in the survey analysis and results. Your responses may be included as valid answers, even if you do not click “Submit” at the end of the survey.


1. Are you a member of Cambridgeshire Libraries? *


2. How often do you normally use Soham library? (Please select one)


3. Which day(s) do you normally use Soham library? (Please select all that apply)


4. Which time(s) do you normally use Soham library? (Please select one)


5. What are the key times you would like the library to open? Please tick the appropriate sessions.
Your choices should not exceed 27 hours per week.


6. If you have any further comments please add them here:


7. What is your age?


8. Please tell us your home postcode:
This will be used for analysis purposes only and will not be used to identify you in any way.

If you would like to receive updates about this and other consultations, please tell us your
email address:
This will only be used to sign you up for our updates and will not be used for any other