Parking in East Ayrshire


1. Overview
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1. Details of the proposals outlined for consultation are summarised here and more detail is contained within the Cabinet Report.  You are encouraged to read these before completing this survey.

As you may know the Council faces a significant budget deficit of £32m by 2022 and public feedback from our always on Vibrant Voices engagement suggested that we should seek to increase income to mitigate the impact of our reducing budget on local services.

In response to this suggestion, a Transformational Review of Parking was undertaken and Members agreed to seek your views on a range of proposals in relation to parking. It is estimated that the proposals subject to this consultation could generate a net additional income of around £570k.

Do you support our aspiration to increase parking income to be re-invested in roads repairs and infrastructure?


2. We propose to introduce a Community led Regeneration Fund which will be proportionately linked to additional parking income generated as a result of any proposals taken forward. The Community would have a say on how this is allocated to support the regeneration of our town centres.

Do you support the creation of a Community led Regeneration Fund to stimulate investment in our town centres?