Your Pre-Birth to Five Experience


1. Pre-birth

Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster City Councils are currently considering how to improve the quality of its services for parents and children during the pre-birth to five year period. 

We would like to find out what parents thought about their experience. It will take you approximately 10 minutes to complete the following survey. This will ensure that your views are captured and incorporated into the improvements of services during the pre-birth to five period.

Thank you for your time!  

1. What is your age?


2. Which ethnicity best describes you?

  • White
  • Asian or Asian British
  • Mixed/multiple ethnic groups
  • Black or Black British
  • Any other ethnic group

3. Please state the first half of your postcode.


4. Did you attend any antenatal classes before your baby was born?


5. Why did you choose to attend that class?

Please rank your answers from 1 to 6, 1 being the highest (you do not have to rank answers that aren't applicable to you).


6. Where did you get most of your information from about birth and life with a new baby?

Please rank your answers from 1 to 10, 1 being the highest (you do not have to rank answers that aren't applicable to you).


7. Did you meet a Health Visitor before your baby was born?


8. If you answered yes, how did you benefit from the meeting with the Health Visitor?


9. If you answered no, why didn't you meet the Health Visitor?