What does a really good economics module look like?

Our education is too often stuffed with boring modules, which teach in un-creative, mono-theoretical, uninspiring ways. It could be so much better! What would a really good module look like?

You can include details about any of the following: What is the central topic? What methods, if any, are taught in this particular module? Which school(s) of thought does it use? What didactic technique(s) are used? What activities do students undertake as part of the module? In short, what makes this particular module tick? Let’s get beyond listing our principles, and show creativity!

(and remember, this is a single module, not an entire program ;-) )

1. Module Title *


2. Module Description *


3. Your details *

If you have any questions regarding this survey, please get in touch at membership@rethinkeconomics.org!