NHS Greater Manchester wants to hear about your experiences of using eye care services, also known as ophthalmology services, in Tameside. We want to hear about what you need from local eye care services and your ideas on how to make services great for the people of Tameside.

If you need help completing the survey or would prefer to arrange a telephone call to give your answers, please send an email to gmhscp.engagement@nhs.net. You can also fill in a short online contact form on the NHS GM website (click here to view) and someone will call you back.

When completing the survey, where you see the word "required" at the end of a question, you must answer it to be able to move forward through the survey. Not all questions or comment boxes need to be answered or completed.

Privacy notice: This survey has been created by NHS Greater Manchester. For our privacy notice, please visit: www.gmintegratedcare.org.uk/about/our-principles/keeping-your-information-safe 


Closing date: Friday, 10th May 2024


1. Where do you live?  *


2. Are you currently using, or have you ever used, hospital eye care services in Tameside? This does not include going to the opticians.


If you answer No or Other to this question, you will skip some of the questions in this survey and be taken to the section about future appointments. *