Your Views on our Service

We would like to know how you feel about the care you received. It’s always good to hear when we've done well, however, we also want to know when things haven't gone so well and where we need to improve. We would be grateful if you could complete this short  survey. Your answers are anonymous. Thank you.

Are you completing this survey as a


We would like you to think about your experience whilst receiving care from our service.

Enter service *


Overall, how was your experience? *


Do you feel this service involved you in decisions about your care?


Is there anything that we could have done better?


Any other comments


The following questions help us know that we are listening to feedback from a diverse community. What age are you?


Are you?


What is your ethnic group?


Do you consider yourself to be?


Do you have a health problem or disability that limits your day to day activity?

Your feedback is anonymous, so we do not know your details. If you would like to tell us more about the care you have received then please speak to a member of Locala staff or contact the Customer Liaison Team -


Telephone: 030 3003 4529



Would you like to have a say in how we deliver health services? You can become a Locala Member and get involved in everything from Reader's Panel to focus groups! Email: