CLFC Eco-Village survey

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1. contact details *


2. Where do you live *


3. Age *


4. How many adults and children live in your house. *


5. what size of home are you interested in *


6. What is your interest in CLFC eco-village *


7. What are your priorities for a new Cambridge eco-village *


8. Do you have money for a deposit on your home


9. Would you consider buying community shares in CLFC eco-village in the pre-development phase
in order to help the project towards obtaining larger funding and planning. *


10. Could you provide voluntary help in the pre development phase of the project *


11. Could you provide 'sweat equity'*or voluntary input in the building phase in exchange for learning new skills or building your home/village.
(*working on the project site ‘sweat equity’ is hours of labour provided (skilled or unskilled) at a pre-determined rate in exchange for a % of equity in your home.)

Check out our survey templates or create your own.