Activitiy Feedback Questionaire


1. Type your Student ID in the box below.


2. Gender


3. Age


4. At which Campus do you attend college?


5. Have you taken part in any activities organised by the college this year?


6. If you answered 'yes' to question 3 please state which activities you have attended.


What made you attend this activity in the first place?
E.g. wanted to try something new, have done it before, I know I enjoy it, to get fit, friends were going etc.


7. The activities that I have attended this year have been enjoyable. (Choose the most appropriate answer)

Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree

8. What has prevented you from attending/attending more activities that the college runs? (Choose all that apply)


9. What time would you be most likely to attend an activity?


10. What activities would you like to see on the timetable next year? (Choose all that apply)


11. How did you find out about the activity you attended?


12. What do you think is the best way to advertise the free sport/physical activity sessions around College? (Choose all that apply)


13. What types of things would make you more likely to attend sessions?


14. If you have any other comments or feedback please put them in the space provided below.

Check out our survey templates or create your own.