Dams and Civil Engineering Heritage


1. What is your role in dam engineering and which type of organization do you represent?

Please select all that apply


2. How many years experience do you have in dam engineering?


3. Do you work on dam projects only in the UK or also overseas?


4. In recent decades a number of UK dams have been recognized as structures of historical significance. Some are found in registered historic parks and gardens, and others have been awarded protected status as Listed Buildings.

Has your work included projects for historic dams and/ or dams with Listed Building status? (For the purposes of this question, 'historic' means pre-1919).


5. Whether you have worked on dams with protected heritage status or not, what is your opinion of the Listed Building designation for dams? Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements.

('1' indicates strong disagreement and '10' indicates strong agreement)

Listing is appropriate for civil engineering structures generally
Listing is appropriate for dam structures
Listing is the best way to protect civil engineering heritage
Listing enhances public appreciation of dams
The listing of dams is inappropriate interference by non-engineers
The listed status of dams has made/ will make my job more difficult

6. Where you have had to work with heritage professionals on projects for historic dams and/ or dams having Listed Building status, what has been your experience? If this is outside your experience, leave blank and proceed to Q7.

Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements.

('1' indicates strong disagreement and '10' indicates strong agreement)

Heritage organizations have staff with civil engineering expertise
Heritage professionals understand civil engineering
Heritage professionals are interested in historical aspects of engineering
It is a pleasure to interact with heritage staff having different perspectives
Heritage staff accept the need for engineering improvements to historic dams
Heritage staff want to preserve everything, their expectations are unrealistic
Heritage organizations should improve the engineering knowledge of their staff

7. Butterley Reservoir is a recent example of public disagreement with proposed works to a spillway of historical importance but how unusual is this reaction? Have you come across any opposition to projects affecting historic and/ or listed dams? If so, what is the name of the project?

Please select all that apply and add a short comment if necessary.


8. Thinking reflexively about how your own interests, background and training affect your work, and your experience working with historic and/ or listed dams, to what extent do you agree with the following statements?

('1' indicates strong disagreement and '10' indicates strong agreement)

I am interested in history and heritage generally
I am interested in civil engineering history and heritage
I am interested in working with traditional materials
I am aware of the ICE's Conservation Information Resource for Civil Engineers (CIRCE)
I am aware of the ICE's Conservation Accredited Register for Engineering
I have used the ICE's CIRCE and/ or worked with a CARE registered engineer
Dam engineers only require training in civil engineering
Dam engineers would benefit from training in heritage subjects
I have training in civil engineering and a heritage subject

9. in your experience, to what extent is reservoir legislation and heritage protection compatible when dealing with Large Raised Reservoirs, and how is this influenced by individual engineers?

Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements.

('1' indicates strong disagreement and '10' indicates strong agreement)

Reservoir legislation and heritage legislation is incompatible
I have a good working knowledge of reservoirs legislation
I have a good working knowledge of heritage legislation
Reservoir engineering is an accurate science
Reservoir engineering is often a matter of judgement
A compromise between reservoir legislation and heritage protection can usually be found
I take pride in using my knowledge to enhance public safety
I take pride in using my knowledge to protect the nation's heritage
The heritage aspects of dams I work on, whether Listed Buildings or not, influences my approach

10. As no survey can be exhaustive, the purpose of the final question is to provide space for any comments that you feel are important to this study but may have been missed in previous questions.

Those who work on historic dams overseas may like to reflect on how it compares to the UK experience.

Check out our survey templates or create your own.