Crisscross Recruitment


CRISSCROSS – Intervention program in nightlife, leisure and socialization venues to raise awareness  and prevent Gender Based Violence (GBV) behaviours – including LGBTI+ phobia – linked to sexual violence and substance use


CRISSCROSS is an European project that aims to address gender based violence, particularly in leisure and socialisation venues frequented by young adults (18-24 year olds) through the realisation of initiatives to increase the awareness, change the attitude and prevent gender- based violence and LGBTI+ phobic based violent behaviour, linked to sexual violence and to the use of substances. In addition, it aims to increase the skills of professionals that work with young adults on the preventions of violence.

The HSE National Social Inclusion Office is collaborating with professionals from Spain, Italy,  Luxembourg and Portugal on this project. The focus of the project in Ireland is Dublin-based leisure and socialisation venues frequented by young adults (18-24 year old).

More information about the  project, partners and activities can be found on the project website

CRISSCROSS – Intervention program in nightlife, leisure and socialization venues to raise awareness and prevent GBV behaviours – including LGBTI+ phobia – linked to sexual violence and substance use” is funded by the European Union, Programme: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) – Daphne. Call: 2022

We are currently looking at professionals working with young people to take part in the pilot Crisscross Training Programme. The program aims to equip professionals working with young people and adolescents to raise awareness and prevent gender-based violence, including LGTBI-phobic incidents, in nightlife and socialisation settings among youth.
The pilot is aimed at young people who socialise in Dublin nightlife and professionals in the Dublin region. However, those from relevant national roles will also be considered to participate in the training programme. 

This training spans 40 hours, organised into four blocks subdivided into thematic areas

  • BLOCK 1 - Sexualities and affectivity with young people in leisure and non-formal education spaces
  • BLOCK 2 - Management and Prevention of Drug Use
  • BLOCK 3 - Detection and prevention of violence in risk contexts
  • BLOCK 4 - How to apply the behaviour change wheel model

These four blocks include theory based sessions as well as practical exercises and implementation of learnings. 

This is an hybrid training programme - some sessions will take place online and some in person - starting on the 30th of May, the training will be delivered throughout the months of June and July 2024. 

The training programme is aimed at staff working with youth (18-24year old) including but not limited to: youth workers, LGBTI+ workers, addition workers, Sexual Health professionals and professionals working in Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence (DSGBV) services. Certain elements of the training will also be adapted to professionals working in nightlife and/or leisure spaces (such as club promoters, security staff, and festival and event organisers). 

If you are interested, please provide your contact details below

1. Name  *


2. What is your role? *


3. County 
(Please note that preference may be given to Dublin particiapnts)


4. What is your experience working with youth? (please let us know what setting you work in) *


5. Is there a specific part of the training you are most interested in?


6. Email address *


7. Phone number  *


8. Do you have any questions about the programme? *