Labour Safe Screen Farmed Shrimp Questionnaire


1. General Details

Thank you for taking the time to fill in this questionnaire. 

The questionnaire should take around 1 hour to complete as there are around 80 questions that may require several staff members to complete. This is in order to collect a broad selection of data which will be used by the LSS to establish where the greatest need for human trafficking solutions are in specific supply chains.

This information will help the LSS refine and clarify project details, and help the LSS provide companies with more detailed, and tailored information and advice in the future.

The LSS is a program designed around ensuring that sensitive corporate supply chain data is held securely and is accessible only by authorised users.

Only one point of contact will handle the information, which will continue to belong to your company. The data will be extracted and made anonymous immediately. The information supplied in the questionnaire will of course be protected and be held internally by the LSS in order to clarify project details and procedures. The information will also not be distributed to the public or to any other company or organisation.

If you require any assistance with any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. LSS can also arrange for someone to talk through the questions with you to help clarify any queries you might have. 

1. Which country and province do you operate in? *


2. Do you own or operate?

Please tick each sector you are involved in. If you are involved in many sectors please tick all boxes that correspond to your industry. Eg: If your company owns its own hatcheries and farms, and has a contract with a processor then you would tick the 'Shrimp Hatchery', ‘Shrimp Farm’, and ‘Processing Plant’ boxes. *

Check out our survey templates or create your own.