Housing Needs in the UK

You are being asked to complete this questionnaire to support my dissertation as, in your capacity, you are well placed to give your expert knowledge.

As a student of Plymouth University studying Building Surveying and the Environment, I am looking into the area of housing needs within the UK. The paper is looking at whether there is in fact enough usable space within the current infrastructure by developing and using existing empty properties, second homes, and commercial space that could be developed for housing and spare rooms that could be made available.

Your co-operation will be greatly appreciates and all participation is voluntary. All information given will be held in the strictest of confidence and securely kept until the dissertation has been completed. It will only be used for my academic benefit during my time at Plymouth University and it will not be made available to any other parties. On completion, any paper copies will be destroyed.

Thank you for your support,
Kind regards,
Adrian White

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1. Which area of the country does your council belong? *

LondonSouth EastSouth WestEast MidlandsEast of EnglandWest MidlandsNorth WestNorth EastWalesScotlandNorthern Ireland

2. Which political party runs your council?

LabourConservativeLiberal DemocratsGreen PartyOther

3. Do you feel there is a national housing crisis?


4. Do you feel there is a housing crisis in your area?


5. In your opinion, are there more or fewer empty homes in your council area and nationally than reports have previously indicated? *

Significantly moreMoreAbout the sameFewerSignificantly fewer
In your area

6. In your opinion, are there more or fewer second homes in your council area and nationally than previous reports have indicated? *

Significantly moreMoreAbout the sameFewerSignificantly fewer
In your area

7. In your opinion, how significant an impact could converting potential commercial floor space into dwellings have on reducing the housing shortage? *

Very significantSignificantAbout the sameInsignificantVery significant
.In your area

8. In your opinion, how significant could utilising empty bedrooms in your council area and nationally have on reducing the housing shortage? *

Very significantSignificantAbout the sameInsignificantVery insignificant
In your area

9. To what extent do you agree/disagree with this statement? Overall there is enough empty property and floor space within your council area and nationally to meet housing needs. *

Strongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagree
In your area

10. The following information is optional. As said in the aforementioned covering letter, this information will be held by me and my dissertation supervisor. The information will be used solely for academic purposes and will be destroyed on completion of the project.

Check out our survey templates or create your own.