Teacher Beliefs about School Readiness


1. Teacher Beliefs About School Readiness
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Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. The focus of my research is centred around teacher's beliefs about school readiness, and your contribution is important in reflecting current thinking in contemporary Early Years practice. This survey forms part of a larger study being undertaken for a Doctorate of Education at the University of Sheffield. My main focus is to explore teacher beliefs about school readiness, and how these beliefs impact on practice and pedagogy in the Reception classroom. The survey is a way of getting a wider view about current beliefs around school readiness before I go into a school and work with two reception teachers in more depth. The project has been ethically approved via the School of Education department’s ethics review procedure at the University of Sheffield. All the data that I collect during the course of the research will be kept strictly confidential and participants will remain anonymous. If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me at ljkay1@sheffield.ac.uk. Many thanks.
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