Children and young peoples groups at St John's Church


1. At St. John’s we are having a review of our children and youth groups and activities. It would really help us if you could fill this questionnaire in as honestly as possible so that we can get a true picture of what you, as parents, think.

Thank you for taking the time to fill this in.

Which activities run by St. John’s do your children attend?

ActivityHow regularly do they attend?

2. Consider how much the following factor influence what St. John’s activities your children attend:

Not at AllVery LittleSomewhatTo a Great Extent
A) Your choice
B) Their choice
C) Time
D) Location
E) Fun
F) Friends
G) God

3. What are you hoping your child receives from their activity? E.g. Fun, friends, learning about God, etc

ActivityWhat do you hope they receive?

4. How far does the group deliver this?

Not at allVery littleSomewhatTo a great extent

5. Please think about the group leaders and answer the following.

Activity nameWhat is the most important thing about the leaders?How does your child relate to the leaders?

6. How would you feel if it were a joint activity run by various churches?

Bad ideaNeither a good nor bad ideaSomewhat good ideaGreat idea

7. Please tell us more about the timing, location and frequency of the activity. Does this work for you?

ActivityComment E.g. Is the time convenient?

8. If St. John’s was unable to run any groups or activities. How would you about / feel react to this?


9. Do you have ideas that you would like to implement to change the activity?


10. Are there issues that under-18’s face, that makes engagement difficult? How can we help?

DifficultiesHow can we respond
Mid week groups
Groups on Sundays

11. Any other comments on children and youth groups?


12. Thank you for filling in this survey.

If you are willing to talk in more depth, please leave your email:

Check out our survey templates or create your own.