Stop and Search feedback

In order to assist us to improve the service we deliver to London's communities, we would like to know how you feel about being stopped and searched.
Please complete this anonymous questionnaire and let us know how you were treated and how we can do things better. Thank you for completing this survey.
(This is not a crime reporting system, if you wish to report a crime please call 101 or in any emergency call 999)

1. When you were stopped and searched, did the officer explain why you were being searched? *


2. When you were stopped and searched, did the officer give you their name? *


3. When you were stopped and searched, did the officer explain which law you were being searched under? *


4. When you were stopped and searched, did the officer offer you a copy of the stop and search form or receipt? *


5. Why do you think the officer stopped and searched you? *


6. If OTHER reason, please say why.


7. Did the officer treat you with respect? *


8. Was it the right decision to stop and search you? *


9. Did this encounter increase or decrease your confidence in the police? *


10. Have you been stopped and searched by the police before? *


11. If YES, compared to the previous time(s) you have been stopped and searched, how would you rate your most recent experience?


12. Please use the box below to indicate if you feel there is anything else that could have been done to improve the service, or if you have anything else to add.


13. To what extent do you believe that the police should conduct stop and search? *


14. How confident are you that the police in your area use their Stop and Search powers fairly? *


15. Should the police be able to search people for the following? *


16. In which borough were you stop and searched in? *


17. Are you? *


18. Which of the following age bands do you fall into? *


19. How would you describe your race or ethnic origin? *