1. What is your name and what do you study?


2. Are you aware of ‘overfishing’ happening to our ocean?


3. Do you think that overfishing is a real concern to us today? Why?


4. How could overfishing affect the future generations?


5. Do you think that we could ever run out of fish in the ocean?


6. What effect does overfishing have on the marine life?


7. What do you think needs to be done to solve this issue of overfishing?


8. Do you think there is a big enough awareness of overfishing?


9. Do you think that people who don’t rely on the ocean for income, care about what’s happening to our ocean?


10. Do you think people know about what the ocean is providing to us for survival? If they were informed, would this make them care more about the wellbeing of the ocean?

Check out our survey templates or create your own.