IF 2018 contributors

Please complete this anonymous survey about your Festival experience.

This short survey is optional but your responses in the next few minutes will help the Festival develop. We adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and you may ask us to remove your records by contacting dane.comerford@oxscifest.org. The Festival data policy is here: https://www.if-oxford.com/about/.

1. Your event/s
We need to categorise activities into two distinct types: hands-on or talk / performance / exhibition. Please only select both if you were contributing to more than one event, with at least one hands-on activity and one talk / performance activity. Please do not describe your activity as both if it was one event.


2. How many events were you involved in organising within IF Oxford?


3. How many people were in your team?


4. What is the public engagement experience level in your team?
1 = new to planning and running events // 10 = expert


5. How did it go?


6. Please share your thoughts on preparation.


7. Please share your thoughts on delivery.


8. How would you rate the Festival overall?
0 = very bad // 10 = very good


9. Please share your comments on any aspect of your event or your Festival experience.


10. Please share your ideas for future activities.

Would you like to be part of IF 2019?