Funding Information System (FIS) Feedback


1. Please enter your contact details


2. What type of organisation do you work for?


3. Were you able to complete your task through the new 19/20 FIS today? *


If not, can you let us us know why?


4. How easy or difficult was it to use the new 19/20 FIS?


5. How does the new 19/20 FIS compare with previous academic years?


6. How could we improve the new 19/20 FIS?


7. If you are missing some functionality in the new FIS, can you let us know what it is and why you need it?


8. How often do you use FIS?


9. How many people in your organisation use FIS?


10. Do you feel that having the filters included on the reports is useful?


11. If yes, why do you use the report filters?


12. Did you use the FIS 18/19 MDB Access export?


13. If yes, what do you use the 18/19 FIS MDB for exactly?


14. What would be the most effective way to communicate new releases of FIS?


15. Participation in future research about FIS

(You can request at any time to not be contacted to take part in further research and/or to have your details removed from the database)