Parking strategy - resident engagement survey


1. Introduction and background
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We want to improve parking to deliver fairer services and create a healthier, greener environment for our communities. Throughout September, we will conduct in-person and online engagement sessions to gauge public opinion on proposed parking initiatives in the district. Following an engagement period, a new parking strategy will be outlined in late 2024, with the strategy expected to be implemented in 2025.


The intention is that these sessions will inform a strategy which will aim to:


·       Make a positive contribution to climate change 

·       Ensure Improvements to air quality and health and wellbeing

·       Make it safer for walking and cycling 

·       Optimise the use of parking spaces and car parks

·       To support financial resilience


Some of the changes being considered for the new parking strategy include:


·       Different permit charges based on vehicle emissions including a lower charge for electric vehicles or EV discounts in car parks 

·       Offering incentives for car-sharing/car-pooling

·       A review of existing parking zones, including location and hours of operation

·       Making parking charges more consistent across East Herts


1. First, a little bit about you. What age group do you fall into?


2. Gender - how do you identify?


3. What is your postcode? (please note this will only be used for the data analysis to establish whether there are different views across the district and where you wish to see improvements.) *


4. Please state whether you are responding as an: