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Self Test for Medical Malpractice Stress

1. I am involved as a defendant in litigation and I am experiencing or feeling:
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1. Anger or irritability which is affecting my satisfaction with life


2. Sense of reduction or loss of control in aspects of my work or life


3. Singled out, isolation or tendency towards distancing from my peers


4. Over- or under-activity relative to my usual pattern


5. Anxiety or depressive symptoms


6. Changes in appetite or eating habits


7. Insomnia or poor quality sleep


8. Changes in libido (particularly reduction)


9. Emotional distancing from patients or office staff


10. Tendency towards withdrawal from family, friends, group activities


11. Concerns about my competence or ability to make decisions


12. Hesitation to take on difficult problems or demanding patients


13. Compulsion to order more testing of patients


14. Less willingness to take on administrative decisions or activities


15. Thoughts about changing careers or limiting practice


16. Physical symptoms which are different or worse from normal


17. Fatigue, or reduced energy levels


18. Loss of enjoyment in practice


19. Loss of interest in recreation


20. Drawn towards mindless pursuits, e.g. television, internet


21. Frustration that no end is in sight


22. Stymied by the system from dealing directly with the problem


23. Questions about value of persisting in medicine


24. Intrusive thoughts or compulsions


25. Alone in efforts to vindicate myself from an unfair accusation


26. Helpless or hopeless to change the course of events


27. Impulse to do something drastic or dangerous


28. Thoughts about benefit of ending it all

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