Tell Us Where You Want A Discount!


Tell us what discounts you’d like us to offer in your local area.

1. Which Local Authority do you live in? *


2. Are you happy for your typed responses to be anonymously quoted in publications by Young Scot? If you do not provide permission then no direct quotes will be used but your responses will still be used in report analysis. *


3.  Survey results (including your responses) will be analysed and reported on by Young Scot. These reports may become publicly available. Young Scot may also use results to help us develop our services and create future social media content.

 Do you agree for your responses to be used for these purposes? *


4. What discounts would you like us to offer in your local community? Please let us know the name of the business, organisation or venue. *


5. Any additional business, organisation or venue?


6. Do you have other comments or suggestions about discounts? Let us know below.