Calipso Membership Form

1. Calipso Membership

Decisions on membership are made on an ongoing basis.  Acknowledgement of application for membership and confirmation of membership will be given within 5 working days of receipt.

In addition to the eligibility criteria set out in the membership prospectus, the following provides more detail on membership to CALIPSO and Board Membership:

GROUP A Membership - Membership open to organisations who are fully governed locally OR governed externally yet are based here and deliver services to local people and have been operating in Calderdale for over 3 years with full voting rights


GROUP B Membership -  Affiliate membership for all other organisations based in Calderdale working to support local people but with no voting rights which remains wholly with group A organisations

BOARD MEMBERSHIP – Group A Only but with a majority of locally governed organisations on the Board (% externally governed organisations to be agreed by Board).