Healthwatch Staffordshire - Cost of living survey


We would really appreciate your help in completing this survey.  It is completely anonymous and will help us to understand how the cost of living crisis is affecting people in Staffordshire and their use of health and social care.  The demographic questions such as age, gender and ethnicity will help us see how different groups are affected.

Please note that any data you enter may be shared with our national organisation Healthwatch England.  

Thank you for participating.

1. How would you describe your current financial situation?


2. In the last six months, would you say that your financial situation has...?


3. Thinking about your health in the last two months, how has your physical and mental health been? When we talk about mental health we mean low mood, stress, anxiety and inability to concentrate as well as more severe mental health problems.

Got a lot worseGot a bit worseNot changedGot a bit betterGot a lot betterDon't know/prefer not to say
My physical health has ...
My mental health has ...

4. Have you made or are you anticipating making any of the following changes as a result of the current rising cost of living

I have already made this changeI anticipate making this changeNot applicableDon't know/prefer not to say
Not travelling to see friends or family
Putting on more clothes than usual to stay warm
Not turning on the heating when I usually would
Using a local warm hub (e.g. library or church) to avoid putting on the heating at home
Not being able to get to work because of the cost of petrol or public transport
Cutting down or stopping social or entertainment expenditure (going out with friends, stopping streaming services etc.)
Going to bed earlier than I usually would to save energy costs
Turning off or avoiding using essential appliances to save energy cots (e.g. not using the oven)
Cancelling or moving my broadband or mobile contract to save money
Reducing how much food I eat and buy
Using a food bank
Going into debt for the first time or going further into debt
Buying less healthy food than I would normally
Cutting down or stopping things that make me stay fit and healthy (e.g. gym membership)
Needing to find cheaper accommodation because I can't afford my rent or mortgage

5. Have you made or are you anticipating making any of the following changes to your health and social care due to the rising cost of living?

I have made this changeI anticipate making this changeNot applicableDon't know/prefer not to say
Avoiding booking an NHS appointment because I can't afford the associated costs (e.g. phone calls, internet access)
Avoiding attending an NHS appointment because I can't afford to travel to the appointment
Avoiding seeking help from the NHS because I can't afford to take time off work
Avoiding buying over-the-counter medication that I usually rely on
Avoiding taking one or more items on an NHS prescription because of the cost
Avoiding going to the dentist because of the cost of checkups or treatment
Cutting down on the use of medical equipment at home because of the running costs
Cutting down on or stopping support from services that I pay for, such as physiotherapy or counselling
Stopping a special diet needed for a condition that I have
Changing, cutting down on or stopping support from paid for carers

6. Thinking specifically about the changes that you have already made, what impact have they had on the following areas of your life?

A very negative impactA negative impactNeither a positive nor a negative impactQuite a positive impactA very positive impactNot applicableDon't know/prefer not to say
Your ability to work (e.g. your fitness levels)
Your ability to care for others
Your mental health (e.g. your level of stress and anxiety)
Your ability to manage an existing long term condition (e.g diabetes)
Any feelings of physical pain
How often you see friends or family

7. We also want to know about things that are impacting you other than the changes that you have made to cope with the cost of living. How much do the statements below apply to you?

Not at allA littleSomewhatA lotGreatlyNot applicableDon't know/prefer not to say
Hearing about the rising cost of living is causing me to worry/feel anxious more often than before
It has become harder for me to get to medical appointments (e.g. due to cuts in public transport)
I pay for or contribute to the cost of social care for myself and the cost has increased
I pay for or contribute to the cost of social care for someone else and the cost has increased

8. Do you have any additional comments on the cost of living crisis and its impacts on your life and health?


9. Please tell us your age


10. Please tell us your gender


11. Is your gender identity the same as your sex recorded at birth?


12. Please select your ethnicity


13. From which of the following sources do you receive income?


14. How many dependent children live in your home (under 18)?


15. Please select any of the following that apply to you: