Not travelling to see friends or family | | | | |
Putting on more clothes than usual to stay warm | | | | |
Not turning on the heating when I usually would | | | | |
Using a local warm hub (e.g. library or church) to avoid putting on the heating at home | | | | |
Not being able to get to work because of the cost of petrol or public transport | | | | |
Cutting down or stopping social or entertainment expenditure (going out with friends, stopping streaming services etc.) | | | | |
Going to bed earlier than I usually would to save energy costs | | | | |
Turning off or avoiding using essential appliances to save energy cots (e.g. not using the oven) | | | | |
Cancelling or moving my broadband or mobile contract to save money | | | | |
Reducing how much food I eat and buy | | | | |
Using a food bank | | | | |
Going into debt for the first time or going further into debt | | | | |
Buying less healthy food than I would normally | | | | |
Cutting down or stopping things that make me stay fit and healthy (e.g. gym membership) | | | | |
Needing to find cheaper accommodation because I can't afford my rent or mortgage | | | | |