Evaluation of Shakti Women's Aid's Domestic Abuse Outreach Service for Black and Minority Ethnic Women

1. Evaluation of Shakti Women's Aid's Domestic Abuse Outreach Service for Black and Minority Ethnic Women

Shakti Women's Aid have commissioned research into the impact their specialist domestic abuse service for black and minority ethnic women make in Edinburgh & the Lothian's, Fife, Tayside and Falkirk  We are interested in your views on the difference these services make to women, children and young people, to other services/organisations and the community and would appreciate you taking 10 minutes to complete this survey, responses are anonymous.  Responses will be used within the final research report.


1. Which Outreach service have you come into contact with?


2. Please tell us your area of work


3. Please tell us how you interact with the outreach service (tick all that apply)


4. Please tell us what impact you think specialist the outreach service has in the following areas

Extremely valuableVery valuableSomewhat valuableNot so valuableNot at all valuableDon't know
Providing crisis support to women, children and young people
Supporting women, children and young people to recover from their experiences
Improving the wellbeing of BME women affected by domestic abuse
Providing women with the information about their rights and choices
Reaching women and children who might not otherwise approach agencies 
Using their expertise to support staff in partner organisations to respond appropriately to BME women
Increasing understanding of issues and forms of abuse affecting BME women
Working in partnership with other organisations to help ensure women and children's needs are met 
Helping prevent VAWG
Advocating for changes in policy and practice to help ensure women, children and young peoples needs are better met
Helping to achieve local and national outcomes in relation to VAWG
Helping ensure that local policies around VAWG are implemented
Improving the approach and practice in relation to VAWG through providing training and supporting other professionals

5. Please tell us about any improvements you think Shakti could make to their service delivery in your area?


6. What do you think the impact on women and girls would be if these services were not available?


7. What do you think the impact on your service/organisation would be if these services were not available?


8. Pleas use this space to tell us anything else you'd like to about the impact the outreach services make