NHS-R Community Annual Survey 2021

NHS-R Community Annual Survey

We undertake an annual survey of people who attend our conference in order to learn more about the NHS-R Community. We will use your feedback to learn about barriers and enablers to the use of R in the health and care sector which will inform our offer of support for you and the wider NHS-R Community.

People who complete this survey will have their name put into a prize draw where we are offering each of five winners a book token to buy any R or related book worth up to £50 each. Please share your feedback by completing this survey which should take about 20 minutes (~24 questions), which we hope is not too much to ask.

We will be sharing results from the survey at the conference, so you can also see what others have said. The survey will close at midnight on Monday 4 October 2021.

1. How would you describe your job role? *


2. What type of organisation do you work for? *


3. Where in the UK is your organisation located? *


4. How would you describe the technical nature of your, or your teams, work ? *


5. How would you describe your level of R knowledge/skills? *

R Skills

6. How often do you use R in your current job role? *

Regularly (Daily)Often (once a week)Sometimes (Once a month)Rarely (once every 3 months or less)Never

7. Please select the NHS-R events that you have previously attended *


8. What types of tasks do you use R for at work? *


9. Briefly describe your training needs, if any? (leave blank if not applicable)


10. Can you briefly share a success story which demonstrates how using R has benefited you and/or your organisation. (eg how you automated a repetitive task and how much time that has saved you). We intend to publish success stories on our website. Leave blank if not applicable.


11. How often do you visit the NHS-R Community slack (nhsrcommunity.slack.com)? *


12. How would you describe the current level of adoption of R in your organisation? *


13. What sources of support do you use for R (e.g. help and development of skills)? *


14. What challenges do you face in adopting R on a day-to-day basis in your work? *


15. What software do you routinely use (daily or weekly or monthly) basis? *


16. How would you describe your current level of adoption of Hexitime - the timebank for health and care staff - where NHS-R is a partner? *


17. We are keen to find and learn from success stories of individuals using R. We will collate these and share on our website as a way to motivate others to learn from you story. Briefly describe one example success story which summarises the use case and shows the benefits say in terms of time saved or other benefit.(Leave blank if n/a).


18. We are keen to find and learn from success stories of organisations using R. We will collate these and share on our website as a way to motivate others to learn from you story. Briefly describe one example success story, that includes the name of the organisation and a contact email for further details, which summarises the use case and the benefits. (Leave blank if n/a)


As part of NHS-R Community’s aim to support the learning, application and exploitation of R in the NHS and related sectors, we provide funding for ‘Solutions’. Solutions are R packages or training courses that will help the NHS and related sectors take advantage of the benefits of R.
Two recent examples are the development of a 'Train the Trainer' Shiny training course and the development of the NHSDataDictionaRy package that web scrapes a number of key NHS data dictionary lookups.

Our list of current funded solutions is here - https://nhsrcommunity.com/nhs-r-solutions

Can you suggest a possible R package or training course which would be useful to you? For example, something that might save you time, especially with repeated tasks. Please leave blank if not applicable.


19. We would love to see you get more involved with the NHS-R Community. Which of these interests you? *


20. The NHS-R Community has a virtual NHS-R Academy. A key function of the academy is to recognise the amazing contributions people are making to the NHS- R Community. People can apply for various titles listed below. Which of these titles interest you?



21. If there was one thing the NHS-R Community could do to help you - what would that be? (Please be as specific as possible).


22. The NHS-R Community always needs people to contribute. Is there anything you would like to do to help the NHS-R Community?


23. If you would like us to follow up on your ideas or suggestions then please provide us with your name and email address below or reach out to us via our email nhs.rcommunity@nhs.net. *


24. If you would like to join our book draw, please provide us with your name and email address below *