Engagement survey for prehabilitation in Aberdeenshire

Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership and Macmillan are working together to scope out the possibilities of implementing a programme of ‘Prehabilitation’ to people in Aberdeenshire who have been newly diagnosed with cancer. 
Prehabilitation has been developed by Macmillan and NHS colleagues and aims to support those with a new diagnosis for cancer to prepare their minds and bodies for the challenges of surgery and or cancer treatment.
There is evidence to suggest that patients who are physically and mentally fitter can improve their cancer outcomes. Prehabilitation aims to support a newly diagnosed person in three areas; physical fitness, nutrition and mental wellbeing. 

The pathway being scoped out will focus on colorectal and urology related cancers, however feedback from people with other cancers is also very valuable to this work.
We are at the start of this process and we are keen that those with lived experience of a cancer diagnoses and treatment are able to influence the design of this pathway meaningfully and from the start and as far as we can.
We appreciate your feedback very much.  If you have any further questions or suggestions, please contact Amy Anderson on 07876 258 891.

1. What is your gender?


2. What age group are you?


3. How easy is it to reach amenities in your nearest town or village?


4. How easy is it for you to access technology e.g. computers/get online?