Q Community users: 60 second survey

1. Which feature on the website is most helpful in enabling you to engage or network with others [150 characters] *


2. What aspect of the platform makes is difficult for you to engage with others? OR What features could we introduce to make it easier for you to engage with others on the website/platform? *


3. Please select one option that would encourage you to use the platform more often/frequently? *


4. Please select one option that would encourage you to spend more time on the website? *


5. Thinking about your website experience as a Q member - what do find is the most useful benefit of your membership? *


6. What is the main reason you joined the Q community? *


7. Does the Q community meet your expectations and needs? *

Strongly agreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly disagree
The website and community platfom meet my needs
The Q Community meets my needs
Check out our survey templates or create your own.