NPA in Accountancy

1. NPA Accountancy survey - background

The NPA Accountancy (SCQF level 6) is a standalone qualification but was primarily developed to provide underpinning knowledge for the Foundation Apprenticeship (FA) in Accountancy. A recent revision to the vocational component of the FA in Accountancy means we would like to consider if changes are also required to the NPA to allow smooth links and progression between the two qualifications and to ensure the NPA remains a current and valid qualification.

We therefore are seeking your views on the current framework, its component units, and the link between the NPA and the FA vocational component. We would encourage you to share as much information with us as possible, as this will help us to identify what changes, if any, or potential improvements you think could be made.

We would be grateful if could submit comments by Monday 6 March 2023. (extended from 27 Feb 23).

If you have any questions regarding the potential revision of this award or this survey, please contact:
Please ensure the email details the award title to ensure it is dealt with promptly. 

1. What type of centre do you work in?


2. Which of the following best describes your job role within your centre?


3. In which Local Authority area is your centre located?


4. Does your centre currently offer or intend to offer the NPA in Accountancy: *