Trustee Survey - 2020


1. Board Self-Assessment
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1. Organisational strategy and purpose - Please respond to the following statements

Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
The board uses Acorn's vision and purpose when making decisions
The board leads the development of the organisational strategy
Acorn has put in place realistic plans for achieving its strategic objectives
The board effectively evaluates Acorn's impact and KPIs
Acorn is agile in responding to changing external environments and new opportunities

2. Leadership and development on the board - please respond to the following statements:

Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
You are clear on your own responsibilities, accountabilities and expected role on the board
You feel well supported with your own development as a trustee
The chair is effective in their leadership of the board
The board is effective in the appraisal of, support provided to, and/or agreeing the remuneration of the CEO
The board is effective in how it leads the CEO and senior leadership team (SLT)

3. Senior Leadership Team (SLT) - please respond to the following statements:

Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
You are confident in the ability of the SLT to deliver Acorn's strategic objectives
You can trust the SLT to carry out decisions made by the board
There is a suitable and effective range of skills, knowledge and experience on the SLT
Board papers and information provided to the board by the SLT are both high quality and timely
The trustee zone is easy to use, secure, and contains everything you want it to

4. Board effectiveness and governance - please respond to the following statements:

Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
The board understands and adheres to governance structure and process
Committees and sub-groups successfully and effectively perform their expected duties
The composition of the board is suitably diverse
There is a suitable range of knowledge, skills and experience of trustees on the board
The board oversees an effective trustee recruitment procedure

5. Decision-making, risk and control - how satisfied are you with:

Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
The board is clear in its focus on strategy, performance, assurance and financial sustainability
The board regularly reviews which matters are reserved to the board and which can be delegated
The board is effective in controlling and delegating reviews of key policies and procedures
The board is effective in controlling and considering the risk register
Acorn effectively benchmarks itself against other similar organisations

6. Board meetings - please respond to the following questions, where 1 is not enough, 3 is about right, and 5 is too much


In just a few words for each, let us know where you feel the board/you have or haven't contributed to the organisation...


7. Thinking more broadly about the organisation's mission and strategy, what are the top three matters the board needs to address in the next 12 months?


8. Would you like to contribute any further comments or thoughts in regards to this year's board self-assessment?