Business Baseline is an annual survey created to gain insight and understanding into the opportunities and challenges facing businesses in Scotland. This survey has been designed by Business Gateway and the Improvement Service, and is delivered in partnership with Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), Scottish Enterprise, Scottish Government, Skills Development Scotland (SDS), South of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE) and VisitScotland. The insight and understanding from the survey will help inform future business support across Scotland.
This survey will close on the 10th of September and your answers will be anonymous – please do not include any personal information.
Please visit for information on Business Gateway’s privacy policy.
Depending on the detail of your answers, the survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.
If you have any questions about the survey itself, please contact
This question requires an answer
1. Which sector(s) do you operate in? (select all that apply) *
This question requires an answer
2. Which area of Scotland is your business based in? (This could be your headquarters, head office, or main place of business) *
This question requires an answer
3. What stage is your business at? *
This question requires an answer
4. What size is your business? *
This question requires an answer
5. What is your role in the business? *
This question requires an answer
6. Which region(s) do you currently trade in? (Select all that apply) *
7. Do you anticipate growth in your business in the next 12 months?