2024 Citizens Advice North Herts Access Survey


1. Are you or have you ever been a client of Citizens Advice? *


2. If you've used our services,  why did you choose Citizens Advice to help you? *


3. How did you hear about Citizens Advice and the services we offer? Please tick all that apply. *


4. How would you like to be able to get advice? (Tick up to 2 ) *


5. When is the best time for you to contact us? (Tick only 1 box) *


6. Do you have access to the internet and feel comfortable using it? *


7. Over the next year, what do you think are the top three issues (from the list below) that will affect your household the most? *


8. In addition to advice, we can also offer the following services; please tick the 1 that interests you the most. *


9. What is your age? *


10. Do you class yourself as having a disability or long term health condition? *


11. Which of the following categories best describes your employment status? *


12. Please add any additional comments or suggestions for our service.