Partnership Provider Statement Consultation

1. Welcome

Thank you for taking part in developing East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership's Partnership Provider Statement.

It is a document for groups and organisations that deliver health and social care support in East Ayrshire in any sector, or who are interested in doing so- the ‘community of providers’.   

It has been written by a large number of partners working collectively to describe what we believe in, to celebrate what we have already succeeded in doing together and to identify the opportunities where we can do more to improve health and wellbeing.  You can access our shared workspace here:  Partnership Provider Statement Miro Board 

The document aims to fulfil the requirements of National Guidance on commissioning plans to prepare a ‘Market Facilitation Statement’.    We have chosen to use the term Partnership Provider Statement to reflect the collaborative approach locally and because it is part of a continuing positive conversation.

Please read the survey questions in conjunction with the draft here: Partnership Provider Statement.   

You are being asked for your views on what we should: Change, Add or Remove in each of the main sections. There is no need to answer every question.


1. Pages 1 to 5: Welcome, The Community of Providers and Introduction

Please tell us things to Change, Add or Remove


2. Page 8 to 11: Changing The Commissioning Landscape, Examples, Partnership/Provider Opportunities

Tell us things to Add, Change, Remove


3. Page 12 to 14: How We Work Together, Relationships and Covid19 Experience

Tell us things to Change, Add, Remove


4. Page 15: Our Charter

Please tell us things to Change, Add or Remove


5. Page 16 to 20: Economic Contribution, Current Landscape, Externally Assessed Quality

Please tell us anything to Change, Add, Remove


6. Page 21 to 25: How Will We Know, Changing Shape of East Ayrshire, Policy Context

Please tell us things to Change, Add, Remove