Cheshire's Nature Recovery

Have your say!

The strategy for nature's recovery will cover the whole county, led by Cheshire West & Chester Council, supported by Warrington and Cheshire East Councils, Peak District National Park, Natural England, Environment Agency, Forestry Commission, the Local Nature Partnership and other organisations.


A Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Cheshire will agree targets and actions for how we can help Cheshire's wildlife thrive.


We want everyone across the county talking about wildlife and taking positive action for a nature rich Cheshire, working together to help care for our natural world, our soils and landscapes to ensure they are healthier and more resilient.

Tell us what matters to you , which species need caring for, where you think nature should be valued and what you think can be done to help nature.


The survey should take between 10-15 minutes to complete.


We will use this information to inform the development of the Cheshire Local Nature Recovery Strategy.


How to complete this survey

If there are any questions that you do not wish to answer, please feel free to leave them blank.

To ensure that your response is submitted, please press the ‘Finish Survey’ button at the end of the survey.

Completing the survey is voluntary and all the information you provide will be treated in the strictest of confidence.  No information will be released that could identify an individual or household. If you would like to know more about how we use and store the information you give us please read our privacy notice

Council information is also available in audio, Braille, large print or other formats. If you would like a copy in a different format, in another language or require a BSL interpreter, please email, telephone 0300 123 8 123 or text phone 18001 01606 275 757.



1. Which of these statements best represent you?  *


2. Where are you a resident of? *


3. To what extent do you agree or disagree that you are concerned about the state of nature in your local area?


4. Please indicate which of the following options you feel may be reasons why nature is under pressure....?


5. Please pick 3 of the following options in order of importance to you as to why you care about nature’


6. What would you like Cheshire's nature to look like in 10 years' time?


7. What are your top 3 actions that you believe we need to take for a wilder Cheshire over the next 10 years? 


8. Please tell us any ideas you may have for how we and our partners can support you to act for nature? (i.e. toolkit, raising awareness, workshops etc. )


9. Are you happy to share your email address? (If you do, we will be able to keep you informed of progress and other opportunities to get involved)


10. Please tell us your post code ( First 3 or 4 letters) - this information will only be used to understand where responses have come from and how views differ. No information will be released that would allow the identification of you as an individual or household. *


11. If you are responding on behalf of a group or organisation, please name it in the box below. You do not have to complete the rest of this section.


12. Which age category are you in?