Darvel and Priestland Placemaking Survey 2021

1. Darvel and Priestland Placemaking Plan 2021

Welcome to the Darvel and Priestland Placemaking Survey 2021  
This survey gives you a chance to have your say on the proposals for Placemaking in Darvel and Priestland.
Please view the Darvel and Priestland Place Map and Placemaking Document and then fill in your response.  

What is a placemaking plan?
Placemaking is a process where local people consider their priorities for the improvement to the places where they live. It involves the Council and Community Steering Groups working together to co-produce a map of the community to identify areas which need improvement and how these improvements might be made.  After wide ranging consultation the priorities for improvements become part of planning policy as guidance to the Local Development Plan.
This consultation will end on Friday 7 May

1. Cycling and walking route improvements - Improvements to infrastructure which will encourage people to walk and cycle more.

• Path improvement at Waterlip and Weaver’s Trail / improved maintenance and signage of the paths network (Loudoun Hill Path, Dyke Walk, Long Cairn)
• Create a cycle service station in “The Corner” (Ranoldcoup Road Junction – former Co-Op Site)
• Improvements to pavement surfaces in Main Street
• Install dog litter bins & no dog fouling signs along walking routes to discourage dog fouling

For cycling and walking I think these proposals will provide:


2. Streetscape improvements - Measures which will help people move around more easily, reduce negative experiences and enhance positive experiences.
  • Shop front improvements
  • Improve road maintenance throughout the town centre
  • Ensure road safety and improve traffic flow - install speed reduction or calming measures along Main Street. Install fixed speed cameras through the town or reduced speed limits along the valley route
  • Address Main Street parking issues & provide parking for the town centre
  • Improve the general appearance of property and streetscape of Main Street, with the provision of additional planters / hanging baskets
For ease of mobility around Darvel and Priestland I think these measures will bring: *


3. Opportunities for civic space improvements - areas of vacant or under-used space such as squares, parkland, local landmarks or natural features to be improved for public use or visual amenity improvement including broadband

• Ensure “The Corner” development is completed and its potential realised with further improvement for Darvel’s Garden and Market. The site will provide a civic space accommodating a range of community activities including a performance venue and a gathering point for cyclists and walkers.
• Improvements to the Square on East Main Street
• Increase level of effective recycling by providing recycling points within the Town Centre / provide recycling bins in car parks
• Incorporate history, heritage and culture elements into “The Corner”

For civic spaces I think these proposals will bring: *


4. Priority buildings - Buildings which require significant regeneration in order to improve their impact on the quality of the built environment

Investigate improvements for the following buildings:
  • Address derelict properties on Main Street - Turf Hotel and 85/87 East Main Street
  • Improve the general maintenance & appearance of the Town Hall and Library and expand its usage.
  • Improve / regenerate the Scout Hall
  • Continue the planned renovation and development of Sports Darvel Complex and increased usage
For Priority buildings I think these proposals would bring: *


5. Green space requiring improvement - Improvements to areas of grassland or woodland to provide greater opportunities for play, recreation or visual amenity

Develop greenspace improvement schemes for the area which include proposals for the following:
  • Improvements to Morton Park - develop appropriate facilities and increase activities for young people / provision of accessible play equipment. Improve entrances to Morton Park
  • Improvements to Hutchison Drive Park - develop appropriate facilities and increase activities for young people / provision of accessible play equipment
  • Improve and tidy overgrown wooded area between East Main Street and the Bowling Club
  • Proposed allotments / community growing garden development to the east of McIlroy Court, to the south of East Main Street
  • Create wild flower corridors within the town along the A71 on entering Darvel from Newmilns and along the river banks – both in Morton Park and along the Waterlip riverside path, and other identified sites within the town
For green spaces I think the proposals would bring: *


6. Housing development and housing improvement opportunities - Brownfield or green-field sites where future new-build housing could be developed. Areas of existing housing where the condition of properties leads to significant consistent vacancies and negative visual impact.
  • Improve the general appearance of property of Main Street
  • Vacant property needing improved or redeveloped 85 / 87 East Main Street, establish use of the site after demolition
  • Residential development opportunity Burn Road
  • Residential development opportunity Hillview Road
  • Residential development opportunity Jamieson Road
  • Residential development opportunity Campbell Street
  • Residential development opportunity Jamieson Rd / Green St
For housing I think these proposals will bring: *


7. Looking at the scores you have given can you please list below the reasons for your best three scores


8. Looking at the scores you have given can you please list below the reasons for your worst three scores


9. Can you think of any ideas which can build on what you think is best about Darvel and Priestland?


10. Can you think of any ideas to improve on what you think is worst about Darvel and Priestland?


11. Please add any other comments or queries here


12. What is your post code? *


13. Where did you find out about this consultation? *


14. What is your age group? *


15. Do you consider yourself to have a long-term disability or condition? *


16. What is your gender? *


17. How would you describe your ethnic origin? *


18. Please use this space to add any comments, suggestions or complaints you may have about these proposals:


19. Would you like to receive regular email updates about this survey and the Darvel and Priestland Placemaking Plan? If so please give us your email address and we'll keep you informed. Your information will not be shared with any other organisation. You can also subscribe to other regular bulletins about the topics of your choice on our StayConnected system