Strategic review of support, services and provision for children and young people with SEND and high needs in Derbyshire: Survey for professionals


1. About your setting, school or service
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The purpose of the project

Derbyshire County Council, working with key partner organisations, has begun a strategic review of support, services and provision for children and young people with special educational needs and disability (SEND) and high needs aged from birth to 25. The aim of the review will be to work collaboratively with partners across Derbyshire to gather evidence on current and future needs, consider what support and services are required to meet those needs, and to co-produce a strategy for supporting children and young people with high needs across the county.

A key part of this review will be gathering feedback from a range of colleagues involved in supporting children and young people with high needs across Derbyshire. As a first step in this process, we have prepared a short survey for leaders and professionals within early years settings, schools and post-16 education settings, both mainstream and specialist, as well as other services for children and young people with high needs.

The findings from this survey will be used to inform the overall outcomes of our review. All responses will, however, be treated in strict confidence and responses will not be attributed to individuals or institutions. Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this short survey. It should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.

1. Your role: Please give your job title or a brief description of your role(s) – e.g. ‘Headteacher’, ‘Setting Manager’, ‘SENCO’, ‘Assistant Principal and Inclusion Lead’, ‘Head of Service’.


2. Your setting, school or service: Please provide the name(s) of your early years setting, school, college or service. We have asked for this information so that we can analyse the responses by type of institution. We will treat these responses in strict confidence and will not attribute comments to individuals or institutions. If, however, you would prefer not to give the name of your institution, please could give a brief description of it – e.g. ‘primary school’, ‘early years setting’, ‘secondary school with resourced provision’, ‘special school’, ‘further education college’, ‘commissioned service’.