HWW survey for 2023-4 priorities

Tell anonymously in 1 minute what you think we could focus on next year.

Healthwatch Wandsworth has talked to the community to understand problems in health and social care and influence people in charge to make improvements. 


Last year we focused on:

  1. Mental health (especially for new parents and people who are homeless)
  2. Arrangements when you leave hospital (hospital discharge)
  3. Working with people who champion health in the community
  4. Ensuring patients have a voice in how the NHS is ran 

Question: What should we focus on next year and why?


Are there are any health or social care issues that affect you and your community, where it is important that local people’s views are heard?

Thank you for helping us by completing this

If you'd like to keep in touch - you could join us for free as a Healthwatch Member - click here

Data and privacy notice:
Information you provided us in this survey: We will anonymise the information you provided to help us in our role to obtain the views of local people to help improve health and social care services. Although we will never share your personal information with a third party, we may provide Wandsworth and Richmond Borough Councils, Healthwatch England, and other government bodies with summarised and anonymised information about from time to time. Any information provided to us on this form will be used anonymously to help improve local health and social care services. Paper copies are stored in a locked cabinet at our offices. The information is also uploaded to and stored on the Smart Survey system online (password protected). View their privacy policy at https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/privacy-policy. Data is downloaded and stored on our office server for the purpose of writing reports. Some of the data is uploaded to our CRM system and Healthwatch England will use the anonymised information for their national work. Your anonymised responses may be used in our reports and shared with local health and social care services or published on our website (see our privacy policy for more information). For more information about how we process and manage data see our privacy policy on our website or contact us to find out more.
Contact details you provided: If you left your contact details at the end of the survey, then we will only contact you because you have indicated you wanted to discuss something relating to this survey further. The details will be kept as above, but will not be used as part of our report or shared. If you want to keep in touch with Healthwatch as a member, please do this separately on our website or by completing a written.