Diversity at St James's Piccadilly

1. About this survey

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is building a strategy to improve diversity and inclusion at St James’s. Our goal is to create a more diverse and inclusive church community. As part of this effort, we need to understand how diverse we already are, so that we can start to identify where we need to do better - and measure our progress in future.

This survey is completely anonymous. Taking part is up to you – you do not have to participate, and you need answer only those questions you wish to.

The questions are worded in the same way as in the 2021 Census.

It will take about five minutes to complete. The deadline for submitting completed surveys is 30th September 2021.

How your information will be used
The information you give is completely anonymous – we don’t ask for your name. To guard against the risk of any individual person being identified from their answers, only two members of the PCC (Ali Beck and Wilson Wong), our Parish Secretary, David Hamilton-Peters, and our Rector, The Revd Lucy Winkett, will have access to the anonymous raw data. Responses will be grouped together (aggregated) before the findings are shared. 

The survey data will be stored securely and kept totally separate from the main ChurchSuite database. The raw data will be deleted after one year.

The summarised findings will be shared with the St James's community this autumn. The findings are also likely to be shared with grant-making organisations and other funders of our church.

In a year's time, we plan to run the survey again to see if things have changed.

If you have any questions about the survey, please get in touch with Ali Beck, Ros Fane, or Wilson Wong from the PCC at diversityinclusionsjp@gmail.com or have a chat with them in person.

1. What is your age?


2. Do you currently live in the UK?


3. UK residents: may we have the first half of your postcode?
If you answered 'No' to question 2, please jump to question 4.


4. Non UK residents: may we know in which country you usually live?
Please select from the dropdown menu


5. What is your sex?

If you are considering how to answer, use the sex recorded on your birth certificate. A question about gender identity follows this question.


6. Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth?

If your gender is not the same as the sex recorded on your birth certificate when you were born (for example, you are transgender or non-binary) select 'no'. 

If you answer no, please enter the term you use to describe your gender in the write-in box. This is voluntary, so you can leave it blank if you prefer.

If you would like to record that you have variations of sex characteristics, sometimes also known as intersex, you can use the write-in box.


7. Which of the following best describes your sexuality?


8. How would you describe your national identity?

This relates to where you feel you belong, such as the country or countries you think of as home.

This could be different from your citizenship or ethnic group.

Select all that apply.



9. What is your ethnic group?
Choose one section from A to E, then tick one box to best describe your ethnic group or background.

  • A. White
  • B. Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups
  • C. Asian or Asian British
  • D. Black, Black British, Caribbean or African
  • E. Other ethnic group

10. What is your religion?


11. Do you have any physical or mental health conditions or illnesses lasting or expected to last 12 months or more?


12. If you answered 'yes' to question 11, do any of your conditions or illnesses reduce your ability to carry out day-to-day activities? If you answered 'No' to question 11, please jump to question 13.


13. What is your main language?

A person's main language is the language they use most naturally. For example, this could be the language you use at home.


14. What is the country of your birth?
Please select from the drop-down menu.


15. What is your connection with St James's? Tick all that apply.


16. Are you on the Parish Electoral Roll at St James's?


17. In future, beyond the pandemic, how do you expect you will mainly participate in activities at St James's?

Thank you for taking part in this survey.

If you have any comments or ideas about how we can make St James's more inclusive, we would love to hear from you. Please email us (Wilson, Ros, and Alison) at diversityinclusionsjp@gmail.com or have a chat with us in person.
Check out our survey templates or create your own.