Glasgow City Council supports the vision of the 2023-28 National Gaelic Plan for a measurable increase in the numbers of people, speaking, learning, using and supporting Gaelic.


It's important to the council to know what Gaelic language skills and knowledge you have and also to encourage you to learn and use Gaelic in daily life and work. 


This survey is for all staff and should take about 10 minutes only. Please complete it as fully as you can. Thank you!

Closing date: Friday 15 March 2024

For further information please get in touch with: 

Donald MacPhee, Gaelic Development Officer :

Tha Comhairle Baile Ghlaschu a’ toirt taic do lèirsinn Plana Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig 2023-28 airson  leudachadh a ghabhas tomhas san àireimh dhaoine a tha a’ bruidhinn, ag ionnsachadh, a’ cleachdadh agus a’ toirt taic dhan Ghàidhlig.

Tha e cudromach gum bi fios aig a’ chomhairle dè na sgilean agus eòlas Gàidhlig a th’ agaibh agus cuideachd gum brosnaich i sibh gus Gàidhlig ionnsachadh agus a chleachdadh nar beatha agus obair làitheil.


Tha an suirbhidh seo airson a h-uile neach-obrach agus cha toir e ach mu 10 mionaidean. Feuch an lìon sibh e cho slàn 's as urrainn dhuibh. Tapadh leibh!


Ceann-latha dùnaidh: Dihaoine 15 Màrt 2024


Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh cuir fios gu:

Dòmhnall Mac a' Phì, Oifigear Leasachaidh na Gàidhlig :




The Council is required to process personal information in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For more information about this please visit: Glasgow City Council GDPR