Have Your Say - Concerns relating to pot fisheries in D&S IFCA’s District and how to address the issues.

1. Overview (before the questionnaire)


What is this about?

Concerns have been raised regarding the pot fisheries in the South West of England, including those within D&S IFCA’s District, with a growing expectation that action is needed to address the issues that have been raised.  There are suggestions that action on a national scale to address some of the issues, for example through the Fisheries Management Plan (FMP) process, is taking too long.

Information has been gathered from different sources and presented to D&S IFCA’s Byelaw and Permitting Sub-Committee (B&PSC). These include the findings from a series of port meetings with fishers around the District and information relating to potting management in the South West of England gathered from other sources.  

Most concerns have been reported by fishermen, in particular those operating commercially.  Reduced catches, declining profitability, unsustainable fishing practices, excessive effort by commercial and recreational fishermen, a need to review minimum conservation sizes, insufficient management, changing environmental conditions, and more.  

What can D&S IFCA Do? 
D&S IFCA cannot manage or address issues beyond its District, but it can and does manage potting activity within its District.  Commercial and recreational potting activity is managed by the Potting Permit Byelaw with its associated flexible Potting Permit Conditions.  The Potting Permit Conditions enable spatial, gear, time, and catch restrictions to be used to manage the activity.  There is also scope for the use of certain types of technology to be used; a package of conditions to manage the activity of potting in the District, or in specific parts of the District.

What Can You Do?
The Have Your Say informal consultation has the aim to gain the views of the commercial and recreational potting sectors on a range of topics to inform the B&PSC’s discussions and identify potential management measures in the D&S IFCA’s District that would be formally consulted on. 

You may have already aired your views in the past, but it is important to stay involved.