Digwyddiad Dathlu Wledig Cymru / Celebrating Rural Wales Event


1. A oedd gennych unrhyw broblemau wrth gofrestru ar gyfer y digwyddiad? / Did you have any issues registering for the event?


2. Pa mor fodlon oeddech chi gyda'r gwasanaethau a oedd ar gael? Megis y Lleoliad, Arlwyo, cysylltiad WIFI, mynediad a pharcio ac ati. / How satisfied were you with the services on offer? Such as the Venue, Catering, WIFI connection, accessibility and parking etc.


3. Pa mor fodlon oeddech chi gyda'r siaradwyr a'r sesiynau yn ein digwyddiad? / How satisfied were you with the speakers and sessions at our event?


4. Pa elfennau o'r digwyddiad oeddech chi'n eu hoffi fwyaf? / Which elements of the event did you like most?


5. Beth, os o gwbl, nad oeddech chi'n ei hoffi am y digwyddiad? / What, if anything did you dislike about the event?


6. Pa mor fodlon oeddech chi gyda'r cyfleoedd Rhwydweithio a ddarparwyd? / How satisfied were you with the Networking opportunities provided?


7. Ydych chi'n debygol o gymryd rhan yn un o'n digwyddiadau yn y dyfodol? / Are you likely to participate in one of our events in the future?


8. A oes unrhyw beth arall yr hoffech i ni ei Wybod? / Is there anything else you would like us to Know?