Speak to your Learning Disability Partnerships Board - Looking after your health

An invitation to have your say. 

This month's survey is about looking after your health. 

Thank you for telling us your thoughts on relationships. We will present your comments at the next Learning Disability partnership board and see what we can do to help. 

If you missed our first survey please read on - if not please go ahead to the survey and thank you very much!


Do you ever wish someone would just listen to you? Well, Herefordshire's Learning Disability Partnership Board wants to hear what you have to say. 

The Learning Disability Partnership Board is a group of people who are working together to make Herefordshire an excellent place to live.  Some people on the Board have learning disabilities, some have relatives or friends with learning disabilities, and some work for Herefordshire Council or for organisations that support people with learning disabilities.

The Learning Disability Partnership Board would really like to hear what you think about the services and activities you take part in so that we can try to make them better.

 Would you be willing to share your ideas with us by taking part in a short monthly survey?

 We will listen to you, then act and tell you what we’ve done.  We will only use your contact details to send you these surveys and tell you what actions we take as a result of your feedback.

(Healthwatch Herefordshire is helping to collect this information on behalf of the board. To read our privacy statement use this link https://healthwatchherefordshire.co.uk/privacy-policy 
What is Healthwatch? 
Local Healthwatch is all about local voices being able to influence the delivery and design of local services. It is not just for people who use them now, but anyone who might need to use them in future. To find out more about Healthwatch use this link https://healthwatchherefordshire.co.uk/about-us/what-is-healthwatch)

How I have a say in managing my health. 

1. Do you have any concerns about looking after your health?