Inverclyde Leisure is an arms-length trust managing leisure, sports and community facilities across Inverclyde.  While the day to day management of facilities is managed by Inverclyde Leisure, the trust is subsidised by Inverclyde Council.  

In October 2022 Inverclyde Council carried out a budget consultation which covered a range of savings, cuts to services and changes to charges.

It was based on the Council facing an unprecedented financial challenge over the coming years.

As part of the survey some short questions about Inverclyde Leisure.  It highlighted that residents, when asked if the Council should increase the management fee to Inverlcyde Leisure, 55% agreed and 45% disagreed.

Residents were also asked about other ways Inverclyde Leisure could plug their budget gap. 69% favoured reducing opening times/days for facilities, 37% preferred increased charges to customers and 23% chose closing facilities.

The board and management of Inverclyde Leisure have examined their current and ongoing financial position and have carried out a full review of the services it manages and offers to remain sustainable in the longer term.

This short survey highlights some of the areas identified for potential savings and seeks your views on those.

This will then give councillors at Inverclyde Council the information they require to work together to set a balanced budget and the Council Tax levels which is usually expected in February or March each year.