Involved Tenants Equality & Diversity information
The information you provide by completing this questionnaire will be used in accordance with our Privacy policy, for more information visit
Why we are asking you for this information?
Merthyr Tydfil Housing Association wants to eliminate discrimination and promote equal opportunities. Collecting the following information can help us achieve this. We monitor and analyse diversity information to make sure that our processes are fair, transparent and promote equality of opportunity for all service users, tenants and applicants. We want to know if everyone can access our services equally. Your cooperation enables us to plan and deliver services more effectively to individual tenants and service users. It will also be used to find out more about the needs of different groups of people. Any information on this form will be treated confidentially, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and will be used for statistical purposes only.
1. I do not wish to provide any of the information requested on this form
2. How would you describe your ethnic origin? (Please tick)
3. How would you describe your national identity? (Please tick)
5. Is your gender identity the same as the gender you were assigned at birth?
6. What is your age group?
7. Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health condition or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months?
8. It helps us to know whether we are reaching all disabled people. If you ticked ‘Yes’ above, please can you tick the relevant box(es) below. You are welcome to tick more than one box if appropriate.
9. Please say how you would usually describe your sexual orientation?
10. What is your religion or belief?
11. Do you look after, or give any help to support family members, friends, neighbours or others because of either: long term physical or mental- ill health/ disability or problems related to old age?