Doctors Gateway Plus EOI

1. Gateway Plus Registration form - 2023

The Gateway Plus Programme has been specifically designed to provide International Medical Graduates with over 3 years experience their first opportunity or a further opportunity to work as a Doctor in the NHS.

You will be employed for 24 months by a Gateway Partner Trust (Hospital) as a Gateway Plus Doctor.

The Trust will provide you with a COS/Visa Sponsorship for duration of your employment.

Gateway Plus Doctors are provided with a role at a Gateway Partner Trust (Hospital), that will provide appropriate educational and clinical supervision for a period of 24 months.

The Gateway Partner Trust will determine what level you will start on the Gateway Plus Programme.

Once you are comfortable this is the right programme for you, please continue with the form below. We will then be able to review your information and advise on how we can best support you.

(For more information about how your information will be shared, stored and used, please see our privacy notice)

We have recently updated our website, and before proceeding with this form, we recommend familiarising yourself with this information which can be found here.

1. Please confirm your first name: *


2. Please confirm your surname: *


3. Please confirm your email address: *


4. Please confirm your phone number: *


5. Please confirm your Nationality: *


6. What country are you currently based in? *


7. Do you give us permission to share your information with our Gateway partner Trusts? *