Byddem yn ddiolchgar iawn pe gallech roi ychydig o funudau i lenwi’r holiadur hwn. Bydd eich atebion yn gyfrinachol a ddim ond yn cael eu defnyddio at ddiben gwella’r gwasanaethau a ddarparwn. Mae’r holiaduron yn gyfrinachol a gofynnwn i chi beidio â chynnwys unrhyw wybodaeth bersonol yn yr atebion fel nad oes neb yn eich adnabod. 
We would be very grateful if you could spare a few minutes to complete this questionnaire.  Your responses will remain confidential and only used for the purposes of improving the services we provide. The questionnaires are confidential and we ask that you do not include any personal information within the answers as they may become identifiable. 

Dewiswch yr ateb sy’n adlewyrchu’ch barn orau: / 

Please select the answer that best reflects your view:


1. Which geographical area does your feedback relate to?


2. Ai dyma’r tro cyntaf i chi ddefnydido Kite?
Is this the first time you have used Kite?


3. Oeddech chi’n deall beth oedd tîm Kite yn ei gynnig?
Were you clear about what the Kite team were offering?


4. A gawsoch chi ddewis i weithio gydag aelod o staff yn eich dewis iaith?
Were you given a choice to work with a staff member in the language of your choice?


5. Oeddech chi’n teimlo eich bod wedi cael eich trin ag urddas a pharch?
Do you feel you were treated with dignity and respect?


6. Oeddech chi’n teimlo i chi gael rhan mewn cynllunio gofal yr unigolyn sydd yn eich gofal?
Did you feel you had a say in the planning of care for the person you care for?


7. Oedd yr adolygiadau am yr unigolyn sydd yn eich gofal yn ddefnyddiol?
Did you find the reviews regarding the person you care for helpful?


8. Oeddech chi’n teimlo fod pobl yn gwerthfawrogi ac yn cymryd sylw o’ch barn?
Did you feel your opinions were valued and taken notice of?


9. Ydych chi’n teimlo fod y cymorth a gawsoch gan Kite yn ddefnyddiol i chi?
Do you feel the support offered by the Kite team was helpful to you?


10. Yn gyffredinol, byddwn yn dweud fod ansawdd y cymorth a gefais fel gofalwr/aelod o’r teulu yn:
Overall, I rate the quality of support I received as a carer/family member as:


11. Byddem yn ddiolchgar am unrhyw awgrymiadau sydd gennych, a allai’n helpu i wella’n gwasanaeth. (Cofiwch beidio â rhoi unrhyw wybodaeth bersonol yn y darn hwn)
We would be grateful for any suggestions you may have, which could help us improve our service. (Please remember to not include any personal information within this section)