Mae’r holiadur canlynol yn gyfrinachol ac wedi’i lunio i chi gal cyfle i roi eich barn ac i’n helpu ni i wella gwasanaethau. Mae’r holiaduron yn gyfrinachol a gofynnwn i chi beidio â chynnwys unrhyw wybodaeth bersonol gan y gallai pobl eich adnabod drwy  hynny. 

The following questionnaire is confidential and designed for you to have the opportunity to give your opinions and help us to improve services. The questionnaires are confidential and we ask that you do not include any personal information within the answers as this may become identifiable. 

Dewiswch yr ateb sy’n adlewyrchu’ch barn orau: / 
Please select the answer that best reflects your view:


1. Which geographical area does your feedback relate to?


2. Roeddwn i’n teimlo mod i wedi cael rhan yn y penderfyniad i gael gwasanaeth gan dîm Kite.
I felt involved in the decision to have a service from the Kite team.


3. Cefais wybodaeth am dîm Kite.
I was given information about the Kite team.


4. Ro’n i’n teimlo fy mod yn cael fy nhrin ag urddas a pharch.
I felt I was treated with dignity and respect.


5. Roeddwn yn deall beth roedd tîm Kite yn ei gynnig i mi.
I was clear about what the Kite team was offering me.


6. Roeddwn yn fodlon â’r ffordd y gwnaeth tîm Kite gynnwys fy nheulu/gofalwr wrth gynllunio’r gwasanaeth ro’n i’n mynd i’w gael.
I was happy with the way the Kite team involved my family/carer in the planning of the service I was to receive.


7. Ro’n i’n meddwl fod tîm Kite yn barod iawn i helpu.
I found the Kite team support helpful.


8. Yn gyffredinol, byddwn yn barnu safon y gwasanaeth Kite a gefais fel:
Overall, I would rate the quality of the Kite service I received as:


9. Byddem yn ddiolchgar am unrhyw awgrymiadau sydd gennych, a allai’n helpu i wella’n gwasanaeth. (Cofiwch beidio â rhoi unrhyw wybodaeth bersonol yn y darn hwn)
We would be grateful for any suggestions you may have, which could help us improve our service. (Please remember to not include any personal information within this section)