Kinneil: Over 2,000 Years of Scotland's History
Visit to Kinneil House

The first of our 2022 Autumn lecture series will be 'Kinneil: Over 2,000 Years of Scotland's History', by the chair of local volunteer group Friends of Kinneil, Ian Shearer.

The talk will be on Thursday 1st of September (a change to the previously advertised date), at Queen Margaret Hall, starting at 7:45pm.

The talk is free, and non-members are welcome to attend. In order to gauge numbers, please complete your details below.

If you have any questions, or know of anyone who would be interested in giving a talk to our members, please get in touch.

1. What is your name? *


2. What is your email address? *


3. How many in your group will be attending? *

Linlithgow Civic Trust is a part of Linlithgow Burgh Trust, which is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO).
Scottish Charity No. 047211.