This is an anonymous survey conducted for a research project at Aalborg University, Denmark. 
Validating shapes (such as SHACL/ShEx) are used to validate RDF graphs. They can be generated manually, or semi-automatically from ontologies or the RDF graphs. Here we aim to investigate the use of existing tools and methods to generate validating shapes.
Kindly take a moment to answer these questions. Results will be shared in the form of a poster paper or a technical report. 
Thanks for your collaboration,
For more information, you can contact

1. How do you generate validating shapes SHACL/ShEx? *


2. Are you working in *


3. Which tools or method do you use to extract validating shapes (SHACL/ShEx)? *


4. How many shapes do you usually generate?


5. How large is your ontology usually?


6. How many distinct predicate types are present in your RDF graph usually?


7. How large is your RDF graph usually?


8. Do you generate shapes for the entire graph or only for some portions?


9. If you generate shapes only for a portion of the graph, why?

Check out our survey templates or create your own.